Locally Renown Author / Singer/ Songwriter
Creator of Americana homegrown instruments
Gary E Belschner

About the author
Gary Belschner was born on May 1st 1950 in New Haven Connecticut. His family moved to Edina Minnesota in 1964. In 1966 Gary went to Shattuck Military School in Faribault Minnesota where he attained such distinguished designations as “Captain of the Work Squad” and “President of the Privates Club”. He was also Captain of his Varsity Soccer team and was the recipient of the excellent education offered at this fine school.
Gary attended college in several locations before in 1972 heading north to Alaska for adventure and riches working on the Alaskan Pipeline. He spent 13 years working as a surveyor on construction sites and in many remote native villages across Alaska. In Valdez while working construction he met his wife and soul mate, Rosemarie. They were married in Anchorage in 1977 on the day they first sent oil down the Alaska Pipeline.
After enough adventures to write several books they moved in 1985 to a small farm in Polk County Wisconsin. They were blessed with two perfect daughters, Jennifer Rose and Rachel Marie who continue to warm their hearts to this day. Jennifer and her man Nathan have created the perfect Granddaughter, Rosalie Danger and a Grandson Atlas Wolf who both add to the love. Rachel has become an RN with a BS so will be taking care of her Dad as he ages.
Gary continued to do surveying but a very poor local economy limited the income possible and other strategies were set in motion. Being very conservative and blessed with a strong business sense Gary decided raising thoroughbred racehorses would be a sure source of steady income. Again after enough stories to write several books the horses were all sold at auction, (at a considerable loss), and Gary began selling real estate.
Through all of this the patient Rosemarie was working as a facilities maintenance engineer for a plastics company in Stillwater Minnesota, about 40 miles from the farm. The family funding fell to Rose as the real estate market produced riches about as quickly as a the horse venture. In 1992 Gary went to work as a Direct Salesman for a company that manufactured the finest surveying instruments in the World, WILD. In the mid 1990’s WILD went corporate and changed it’s name to Leica Geosystems.
Gary had found his working home and was very successful working in this excellent company. He went back to school and earned a better late than never degree from Western Governors University in Marketing Management. He was made part of a Senior Management team and was promoted to Vice President. The company was promptly gobbled up in a hostile takeover, which involved replacement of management. Gary excelled with his neck under the boot of the new regime until Oct 1st 2010 when he decided to follow a different brick road.
Gary’s first Novel is “River Jim a World Class Piscator” a second book, “The Missing Book of Possibilities and other Lost Gods” a third, "A Monment in Time" and a forth, "Atlas Shrunk"and a CD “Katie Stares at the Moon under his musical name, Gary Earl are all still available . . . but hurry.